Defining the Goal Build an investment portfolio that outpaces inflation, securing annual returns higher than 5%. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) To stay on track, I’ve set three KPIs as my guiding stars: Meeting these targets ensures I’m not just treading water but actively steering my financial ship towards success. Investment Categories I’ve embraced the Core-Satellite […]

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My Tobinvest portfolio remains firmly rooted in the strategy I’ve carefully developed over time. As expected, the portfolio’s value and returns have been closely tracking the stock market’s movements, with the usual ups and downs that come with market fluctuations. As of August, my portfolio is hovering near the all-time high it reached last month. […]

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Summary 2024 has continued to be a strong year for my Wikifolio, achieving a year-to-date performance of 14%. The first quarter was particularly robust, with an 11.2% gain. However, the second quarter brought more stability, resulting in a strategic move to secure the gains from the initial months. — This cautious approach has placed […]

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As we close the first quarter, both the most important stock market indices and my portfolio have reached all-time highs. These returns also reflect some positive currency effects, notably due to the weakening of the NOK against USD and EUR. — Notably, the high-risk equities in my portfolio, including the iShares MSCI World Momentum ETF […]

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2024 has proven to be a promising year for my Wikifolio, showcasing a year-to-date performance of 12.3%. This encouraging trajectory aligns harmoniously with the broader market trends, as evidenced by the 11.2% gain in the MSCI World Core ETF over the same period. Learn more about Wikifolio — Looking back over the past 12 months, […]

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Summary The year kicked off with a strong recovery from a challenging December in 2022, bringing a solid 7.5% return for my portfolio in January. Recognizing the volatility from the previous year, I opted to enhance diversification. — Market positivity prevailed until June, with a more stable summer, and continued growth in the latter part […]

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Over the past six months, the performance of the Wikifolio has shown a relatively stable trend. The price has remained within a range of 70 to 75 EUR. The year-to-date performance stands at 15.4%, slightly outperforming a Core MSCI World ETF which posted a 12.9% return. — Following my predefined rebalancing strategy, I made the […]

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I’m pleased to share that my portfolio has shown strong growth this year, with a remarkable 15.5% increase year-to-date. During the initial six months, I enjoyed consistent positive developments that fueled this growth. However, it’s worth noting that July brought about a minor setback, primarily due to the currency dynamics between NOK and USD. This […]

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The price for the Tobinvest Global Stockpicking Wikifolio continued to increase through the 2nd quarter 2023. The investable certificate increased with 18.4% year-to-date. The price is 72.65 EUR now. The increase so far this year, and the general marked development, are beyond my expectations. — As mentioned in the blog post from April, I executed […]

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